Friday, July 22, 2011

What the heck is curb wax?

 You might ask what the heck is curb wax? Well I am here to tell you! Curb wax is something for skateboarding . You have to put it on a curb, rail, or even the tips of ramps. It is a wax the makes the target smother on the board and your faster. It is worth 5 or 6 bucks. if you can grind pick some up from a skate shop or online.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jack, sounds like a good idea so I thought I'd have a go to see if I could walk faster, so I got some ear wax (that's all I could find!) and put it on the bottom of my shoes - took one step, slipped over and broke a pencil. So thanks very much, I won't do that again!
